Housemaid service

House maid service may be defined as ‘provision of a clean,comfortable,safe and aesthetically appealing environment by another definition, ‘house maid service is an operational department in an ethics upkeep of rooms, public areas, back areas and the surrounding. Keeping your home spotless and taking care of family at same time might get you the best parent award, but you also need to take care of yourself. If you’re wondering if hiring a maid service or house cleaner is worth the money,we have gathered information to help a lot of benefits of not only having a clean home but also with hiring a maid service company to do it for you.

Important of house maid service:

Your home may look clean and sanitary, but not without consistent, dedicated effort, you squeeze in time to clean your home within your busy lifestyle. You clean between watching the kids, going to work, attending those meetings, family visits, other tasks, and other scheduled events. That can be rather hectic, especially with many daily distractions that halt progress. Detail can be sacrificed to cover the most important elements. The dogs need walking, the kids are arguing, the glass of juice spills on the clean carpet, and obtaining house maid service can help reduce the workload of your busy schedule. They usually have a checklist that must be completed so that nothing is left out. This is their actual daily job. Therefore, they can dedicate their time and stay focused without much distraction. They don’t get those surprise visits, have to handle the kids’ behavior, take the dogs out, etc. after all, they are at work.

Above all, house maid service ensures they make your home look fabulous. Some may have more detailed effort put into it than others, but the results look great in any case. The biggest reason to hire a maid service is to reduce your stress levels, exhaustion levels, and that overwhelmed feeling. You have enough to do every day. Squeezing time in to clean or handle immediate situations here and there can be a daunting task itself. you need time to relax, get focused and get back on track. For the little bit of money spent on cleaning services, you will be glad that you made that decision especially since other parts of your life improve and you can do things you want to do as well. 

Here are some benefits of hiring House cleaning service for house maid service:

  1. It’s convenient:

No one wants to go to a messy home after a long day of work. When you work with a service, cleaning is one less thing you will have to worry about. You won’t have to scramble to pick things up before you can relax. Everything will already be taken care of thanks to a weekly maid service.

Not only is clean heart maids convenient, but the team of professionals is flexible as well. Whether you pay for a one-time cleaning service, have your home cleaned once a week, or take advantage of maid service just once each month, carpet cleaning service is worth it. You can have specific rooms cleaned or focus on a certain area of the house. You can request a special service, such as a deep cleaning,move-in move-out cleaning, and more.

Hiring a house maid service can make your life a lot easier. Cleaning is a major chore, and working with professionals can take that responsibility off your plate. With flexible house maid service, you can find a solution that is suited to your needs and your schedule. 

  1. It will save you time:

Keeping your home tidy can be time-consuming. Even if you spend less time cleaning than the average cleaning is likely a major sink for you. When you hire a housemaid, you will be able to free up this time and focus on other tasks. You can devote more time to your family, put in more hours at the office, or even pick up a new hobby! Your time is invaluable, and hiring a maid is a way for you to get some of that time back.

  1. experienced:

Whether you admit it or not, keeping your house clean on top of work, family and pets can be hard, and at times overwhelming. Even if you don’t let it get totally out of control, it can be challenging to keep everything up. This is where maid service is helpful!

With the help of professional maids that are experienced, they know the most suitable tools for any task. They are the experts and possess the skills and training to achieve the best results possible. They know the best results possible. They know the best methods and products to clean even the toughest dirt away. When it comes to cleaning, you can tell your home to be clean, or even cleaner with the help of their experience.

  1. They are detail-oriented:

One of the main well-loved characteristics of maid service is being detail-oriented. They see and clean every crack and crevice of your home. They also tend to every aspect such as baseboards, window blinds, ceiling vents and fans, and even the area behind the toilets. When you hire a maid service you can expect that every inch of your home gets the attention it deserves.

10 reason you should hire a maid service:

Many people think that the advantage of hiring a housemaid is that you will have a clean house after completing your work. This is true, however, there are other reasons for hiring a housemaid. A housemaid offers more than just a clean house. You get peace of mind, time to relax, joy and greater house longevity when you invest in housekeeping.

  1. A clean home:

When you hire a housemaid, you get a clean house! When you hire a professional you come home to meet a sparkling environment.

  1. Time to relax:

A housemaid gives you time to relax. You will invest your time in other productive ventures than spending your time doing the cleaning yourself.

  1. More joy/organization:

70% of people are less stressed when they are in a clean space and 75% are more productive. Hiring a house maid allows you to keep your house clutter down and your mental health up.

  1. Better social life:

A housemaid frees up more time to relax. Besides, they also offer a clean space that feels fun to invite your friends and loved ones into.

  1. Healthier home:

We all want our homes to be as happy and healthy as possible. A dirty house means there are built-up allergens like dust or even mildew that can occur. If you have kids they probably bring a lot of germs home with them from school. A clean house is a healthy space to be, which is why a housemaid is great for more than just your mental health.

  1. No need for supplies:

If you plan on hiring a repeat cleaning service, then you will not have to worry about getting supplies again. The good news about this is whomever you hire will bring their supplies.

  1. A professional will clean better than you:

You may think that you can do a perfect cleaning yourself. But at the same time, there are things in your home that you probably ignore because those are areas that you don’t want to clean yourself or don’t know how to reach. Those hard-to-reach areas can be forgotten and have more dust and dirt built up over time which makes you want to just ignore them. When a professional comes in, they will make sure that everything is always cleaned. 

  1. Things that get skipped over will finally get done:

There are just some things that we are just too lazy to take care of when it comes to cleaning. Whether it’s dusting the chandelier in your foyer or wiping down all the baseboards across the house,you just hate it. When hiring the professionals, you can tell them exactly what needs to be done  and they have to do it because you are paying them for the service.

  1. The pros have a working system:

While you may start in the kitchen and start pin-bowling all across your house because you think it works, you may be doing double or triple the work. When a professional comes into your home they have a system in place as well as a checklist of the things that need to be done according to you. With this system,they work more efficiently in getting those tasks done within a short period.

  1.  Pet smells will be minimized or eliminated completely:

From dogs and cats to birds and rats, all parts can cause your home to sink. Having a clean home will get rid of those smells that come from our animal family members. Nothing is worse than having visitors come into your home and having to deal with the smell of pet poo and waste. A regular recurring home cleaning will keep those unwanted smells from coming back and haunting your family.

What type of cleaning service do you need?

Cleaning services are usually set up in a few different ways: deep cleaning services that happen once in a while, maybe every few months or annually, regular cleanings, cleaning before or after moves, or a one-time cleaning before or after events in the home.

What will a standard cleaning service include?

If you’re hiring a housemaid for a regular service, generally speaking, you can expect them to perform the following duties as part of the job:

  • Use professional cleaning products on all hard surfaces to disinfect them and remove unwanted dust and debris.
  • Clean baseboards.
  • Dust light fixtures. 
  • Move furniture to clean underneath and behind it.
  • Scrub the bathrooms including the shower and toilets.
  • Vacuuming all carpets in the home. 
  • Make beds in the bedrooms.
  • Laundering clothing as required.

Maid requirements:

  • High school is complete.
  • Proven cleaning experience.
  • Sound knowledge of different cleaning methods.
  • The ability to multitask.
  • Excellent organizational,time management and problem-solving skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Exceptional cleaning and customer service skills.
  • Physically fit and detail-oriented.

Proposal and salary of housemaid service:

1.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 1 Hours 4,000 RS
2.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 2 Hours5,000 RS
3. Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 3 Hours 7,000 RS 
4.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 4 Hours8,000 RS
5.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing5 Hours9,000 RS
6.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing6 Hours 10,000 RS
7. Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing7 Hours 12,000 RS
8.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 8 Hours 14,000 RS
9.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 9 Hours15,000 RS
10.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing10 Hours 16,000 RS
11.Normal cleaning,cooking and dishwashing 11 hours 17,000 RS


  • The organization will not be responsible for any robbery that happens in the home or office of the client.
  • In case of a laborer mishap, the clients are completely liable for the misfortunes.
  • The organization will not be responsible to supplant another laborer on the off chance that he/she passes on the gig because of client abuse.
  • The main clients need to pay how much compensation and different motivating forces straightforwardly to the house cleaner toward the month’s end.
  • The subsequent party needs to pay Rs. 2,000 for booking servant/cleaner and the sum won’t be refundable for any reason.
  • If any kinds of legitimate results happen from now on, we will not be mindful.
  • The principal client needs to gather the first reports of a house cleaner like citizenship, contact no. of family, and family members if there should be an occurrence of security and unwavering quality (if necessary).
  • The client ought to give breakfast and lunch to typical housemaids and cleaners at their times.


Don’t gamble your hard-earned money with these House cleaning services in Kathmandu promising you heaven whereas the quality of the services they offer is wanting. It’s the time to get the value of your money. Get in touch with us for quality carpet cleaning maid service. Once you book us, you will never regret it. you will be working with a world-class company will that offers you quality, flexible, affordable, and reliable service from highly experienced experts in the industry. Your complicated schedule should not worry you, we have got the solution to your problem. Get in touch with us and we will advise you further on the necessary steps to take to ensure you have got quality maid service regardless of the fixed schedule you may be having.

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