Windows and glasses cleaning

Windows and glasses are among the primary things that individuals see in a building.tragically,numerous individuals ordinarily neglect the significance of having clean windows cleaning and glasses cleaning or tall rise window cleaning and glasses cleaning in kathmandu,having your windows routinely cleaned can make a huge distinction.there are numerous benefits related to having clean windows and glasses cleaning from moved forward consolation to generally progressed the appearance of the building.

Window cleaning and glasses cleaning  service in Kathmandu make a difference to permit more normal light. With time glasses in windows more often than not ended up gloomy due to contaminants such as oxidation,difficult minerals,acid rain,paint,splash among others that anticipate natural light from entering the interior of the building.This makes your home or office seem dark.

Regular window and glass cleaning is exceptionally imperative since it helps to expel contaminants and toxins that have stuck on the glass and have disturbed natural light from penetrating inside. This figure alone, not as if it was making a difference to make your office or domestic look lovely,but it moreover includes more comfort and makes the room space seem greater and more engaging.

How often should windows be cleaned?

This is a highly debated topic of concern for most homeowners.the average person only washes their windows 1 to 2 times a years.just because this is the statistic,doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be done more often.


If you are particularly susceptible to allergens in the air,it’s always a good idea to clean your windows at least once a month during your high allergy seasons.uncleaned windows left with allergens have been known to worsen symptoms of  allergens.a simple damp cloth can prevent the allergens from damp cloth can prevent the allergens from entering your home when you’re ready to open your windows agains.

Dirt and debris:

If you live out in the country as opposed to the city you may get more dirt and debris flying your ways. Dirt can build up on windows quickly.if you are in one of these ‘’high dirt’’ areas it’s always a good idea to clean your windows at least once a month.

In addition, if dirt and debris are blocking your view it may be time to clean your windows and glases  too.there is no sense in looking out at a bunch of blotches on your windows when you could easily wash the debris and dirt aways. Having clean views is a mood enhancer!

Weather condition:

Rain spots are another huge reason to clean your windows.if you live in an area with frequent rain,the rain can block views quickly is best to wash your windows at  least every couple weeks if you find the rain spots are blocking our views. High wind can also contribute to dirt on your windows.if you live in a high wind area you may consider cleaning your windows more frequently due to dirt that may accumulate on the glass.

Minimum cleaning:

At the very least you should be cleaning your windows every six months. Windows debris builds up quite a lot in that time,and you and your windows will be happier if they are clean with unobstructed views.

Why is window cleaning and glasses cleaning important?

Windows and glasses cleaning are among the first things that people see in a building. Unfortunately, many people usually overlook the importance of having clean windows.Whether is commercial windows cleaning and glasses cleaning or high rise windows cleaning and glasses cleaning ,having your windows regularly cleaned can make a big difference. There are many advantages associated with having clean windows,from improved comfort to improved overall appearance of the building. Windows cleaning is very important because it helps to remove contaminants and pollutants that have stuck on the glass and have prevented natural light from penetrating inside. This factor alone not only helps to make your office or home look beautiful but it also adds more comfort and makes the room space to appear bigger and more appealing.

Important of windows cleaning and glasses cleaning  for your home or business:

Dirt, dust and grime usually tend to settle on windows over time if they are not regularly cleaned. They not only make the windows to look dull but it also increase to growth  of allergens problem.however,if hire a professional windows cleaning service to clean window on a regular basis,you will not only help to improve their overall appearance but you will also help to remove dirt, grime and allergens that can cause serious health problem.  

Benefits of hiring house cleaning service in kathmandu for windows and glasses cleaning:

Your company’s exterior is a major investment.before customer or client ever stop foot in your business, they will have formed an impression based on what the outside of the building looks like.if you have dirty,dingy or grimy window and glass,they may take their business elsewhere.find out all benefits of hiring a house cleaning service company with help from the experts at service master clean.

Saves time:

The time your employees spend at their jobs should be focused on work-specific tasks.if they become responsible for janitorial clean-up including washing the window and glasses ,you may be hurting your company’s bottom line. Also,washing windows is a bit  more complicated than just getting out a bucket of soap and water.People who aren’t window washers may damage your company’s windows if they are cleaned incorrectly. To help keep everyone productive,save time on unrelated work tasks and ensure your windows achieve the highest standard of clean,outsource your janitorial needs to the professional.

No worry about specialized cleaning methods:

Different windows require special cleaning solutions or cleaning methods to see the best results. Tinted windows and stained glass,for example : both require special treatment.using regular cleaning material on these types of windows could damage them and leave you with an unattractive look and potentially a big repair ensure that each window is cleaned correctly,leave the work to the professional.

Lets the light in:

Clean windows let more natural light enter the building. With a cleaner,brighter environment,you may see the following results:

  • Increase focus,resulting in greater employee performance.
  • Better first impressions from customers or clients.
  • Improved energy efficiency.
  • Enhanced curb appeal.

Professionals can properly remove all smudges,streaks and build-up of dirt from our windows,which can increase these positive outcomes.

Keep you safe:

Windows washing without the right gear and experience can be dangerous. Even a fall from just one story can cause serious injuries. If you hire window cleaners,you or your staff members won’t  have to get up on ladders,work with hazardous cleaning material or maneuver  around tricky area to thoroughly clean each window.

Helps extend your windows lifespan:

Over time,build-on dirt and other debris can etch itself into glass and cause permanent damage and scratches. These marks can even weaken the panes,potentially leading to cracks,chipping and other expensive damage later on. By using specialty cleaning products and their extensive knowledge,professional window cleaners can help ensure your windows last.

Procedure of cleaning windows:

Here are six steps to perfectly clean your windows:

  • Protective gloves.
  • Soft-bristle brush or dust cloth.
  • Sponge or lint-free cloth
  • Squeegee
  • White vinegar
  • Hot water 
  • Non- ammoniated all-purpose cleaner.

1.Schedule your window cleaning projectOn an overcast day. The heat of the sun can cause the liquid cleaner to dry too quickly and will result in streaking.

2.Clean the dry window surfaceWith a soft-bristle brush or dust cloth.tackle those cobwebs,dust,and dirt before getting the windows wet.

3.Prepare a gentle liquid windows cleaning solution To use on the windows panes only mix 1 part white vinegar and 1 part hot water.

4.using a sponge or lint-free cloth,wet the windows glass and rub away the dirt. Avoid drenching the windows and try to keep the vinegar solution from coming in contact with the windows frame.

5.squeegee the window glass by first wetting the blade so it doesn’t skip.starting at an upper corner,draw the squeegee down in a straight-stroke,wipe the blade with a lint-free cloth, and repeat until you wipe the entire window.

6.clean the window frames by whipping them down with a damp cloth and immediately rising with a clean,dry cloth. Use only non-ammoniated all-purpose cleaner or water for the windows frames.


This information is offered as a general guide only specific advice  should always be sought from a reputable glazier preferably who has installed your products or professional windows cleaner before undertaking any cleaning.this guidance does not preclude the use of other methods,material or equipment,however the user should undertake careful evaluation and make suitable enquires of suitability of alternative methods,material or equipment,before using them.

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